Tuesday, 28 April 2015

A brief word on Tommy Sheridan

My problem with Sheridan is summed up well by Scott MacDonald here: http://scottmac.org/2015/04/objection-to-robin-mcalpine-speaking-with-sheridan/

Other people will do as they see fit, and if they see fit to give credence to Sheridan, that’s a matter for them. 

Some say “hasn’t he paid for what he did? Don’t you believe in rehabilitation?”  The trouble with that is that he’s still not said sorry for dragging comrades and sexual partners through the courts in a vain attempt to salvage his own ego, and he’s still not admitted he was in the wrong.  He still talks about clearing his name, which means that he’s still calling his former comrades and partners liars  - people who were dragged into court at his behest, not through their own doing, even though he’s the convicted perjurer.

That doesn’t seem very rehabilitated to me.  Nor does it seem very comradely.

Yes, he speaks well.  But if that’s your only criterion for decency, then you’re in trouble.

So, go to his rallies if you want to.  But count me out.

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